Some Visual Proofs by Desmos

Here are a number of visual proofs of classic mathematical results I (re)created in Desmos. Most of these illustrations are interactive, so feel free to tinker with the sliders, toggle the folders (by clicking the circle to their left) to enable/disable features, zoom in/out on the right panel, and such.

The demonstrations are loosely grouped in the following categories:

Links to these demonstrations are also provided below -- please feel free to adapt them for your own use. If you have any questions/comments/bug reports about these demonstrations, or would simply like to let me know that you find them useful, please feel free to e-mail me at Pau@mathQ.usask.caR (with P,Q, and R removed).

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Sum of Finitely Many Quantities

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

Sum of Infinitely Many Quantities

(Link to Demonstration)

(One can also see from the above demonstration that .)

(Link to Demonstration)

(More generally, it shows that for every integer .)

(Link to Demonstration)

Geometry and Trigonometry

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Note that the proof only makes use of the definition of being the ratio between a circle's circumference to its diameter, and not our knowledge of the numerical value of .)

(Link to Demonstration)

(In fact, one can tinker with the value of and the location of the point in the demonstration to generate other similar identities.)

(Link to Demonstration)


(Link to Demonstration

(In fact, the function shown above is where .)

(Link to Demonstration)

(This one requires some additional explanation. The illustration above shows that if there was a positive integer where is an integer, then there would be a smaller positive integer where is also an integer, contradicting the existence of .)

(Link to Demonstration)

(Note: The statement above is pretty imprecise! For some values of and the points in fact lie outside the rotating disks, and the "star" may or may not look like a star. This is created in response to this video by Mathologer.)

(Link to Demonstration)

Like what you saw? You can find more visual proofs by doing an internet search for "Proofs without words". In particular, check out the excellent Mathologer Youtube channel, as well as this post on Mathoverflow, which are the sources of inspiration for some of the visual proofs above.

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